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David E. Ellis Conservation Fund

A leader for wildlife

Dave Ellis served as a capable leader of Northwest Trek Wildlife Park for 28 years. He dedicated two-thirds of his professional life to protecting the dream of Dr. David and Connie Hellyer. This dream embodied the study of native animals and their habitats in order to educate the public about the important relationship between humans and animals in the great outdoors.

When Dave first arrived at Trek in 1985 he became a tireless advocate for conservation projects, animal survival and finding   the most creative way to share information with visitors. A top-notch visitor experience was paramount to Dave Ellis.  It has become an integral part of staff training and will serve as a legacy to Dave’s persistent attention to detail.  Dave’s goal was to bring people to the great outdoors so they would never forget the experience—and to make sure they were safe while they were at Northwest Trek. It is no wonder that generations of children have grown up with fond memories of their Trek experience and return to recreate that feeling with their own children and grandchildren.

In the nearly three decades of Dave’s leadership, Northwest Trek grew in its animal collection, attendance, projects and conservation education programs. Northwest Trek has a remarkable reputation as a premier zoological and educational facility both locally and nationally.

The David E. Ellis Conservation Fund

The David E. Ellis Conservation Fund (DECF) was established to honor the memory of this dedicated leader.

In honor of the unwavering commitment to Northwest Trek, this restricted fund will be held in honor of Dave Ellis. Funds contributed will be used to support species recovery, animal health care and animal facilities.

This restricted fund will be made available to donors for contributions through the Northwest Trek Foundation,   a Washington state registered 501(c)3, non-profit organization whose mission is to support the programs and projects of Northwest Trek Wildlife Park and steward donor funds.

Donate below, or send your tax-deductible contribution to:

Northwest Trek Foundation
David Ellis Conservation Fund
11610 Trek Drive E.
Eatonville, WA 98328


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