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Northwest Trek News
Apr 12, 2024

Our incredible veterinary team and keepers recently gave snowy owls Taiga and Tundra their wellness exams. While under anesthesia, the 6-year-old owls were monitored closely while getting their wings, beaks, talons, and eyes checked. Both birds received radiographs, had blood taken, and had a talon trim. Head veterinarian Dr. Allison Case says both snowy owls are in good health! Who’s who? Next time you visit the park, try to see if you can tell who’s who! Males like Tundra are whiter and have dark specks on their feathers. Females, like Taiga, are larger and have even more dark spots on …

Mar 26, 2024

During gray wolf Canagan’s triennial examination in November, Northwest Trek Wildlife Park’s head veterinarian, Dr. Allison Case, identified an infection in one of his molars. Canagan was given antibiotics while Dr. Case consulted with a veterinary dentist. Together, they decided the tooth needed to be extracted. Wolf molars are one of the more difficult teeth to extract – they are big with two extra-large roots. Associate Veterinarian Dr. Cassidy Soehnlein was tasked with the tough job. As Dr. Soehnlein and Veterinary Technician Tracy intubated Canagan and got him settled under anesthesia, Dr. Case and keeper Haley also took the opportunity …

Mar 18, 2024

The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining. But there’s so much more that points to Spring at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. CHESTNUT IS AWAKE In early March, Chestnut the hoary marmot came out of his underground hibernation den. Guests can now see him running around his habitat. Before Chestnut went into hibernation in December, he weighed around 10 pounds. Now, he weighs about 8.5 pounds. Hoary marmots eat vast amounts of meadow vegetation, including sedges and lupine. In the wild, the thick layers of fat they develop allow them to survive eight to nine months …

Mar 18, 2024

World Frog Day is celebrated annually on March 20. Northwest Trek is home to a Northern leopard frog, Pacific tree frogs, Western toads, and a Great Basin spadefoot toad. Northern Leopard Frog Sprout, the Northern leopard frog, is an incredible ambassador for his wild counterparts. Once abundant throughout North America, northern leopard frogs rapidly disappeared from their native ranges in Washington, Oregon, and western Canada. The species has been listed as endangered in Washington since 1999, and with only one known wild population remaining in the state, there is still a long path to recovery for the frogs. Likely causes …

Mar 06, 2024

The keepers at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park feed nearly 200 animals a day. It takes specific science to prepare proper diets for all the different animals. Each animal’s diet is balanced based on species, age, and health-related issues. We asked the keepers for some of the most fascinating food facts that came to mind. “The black bears and grizzly bears have quite drastic changes in their diet, depending on the season,” said keeper Carly. “In the summer, they eat a wide variety of fish, fruits, and leafy greens as they prepare for their metabolisms to slow for their winter torpor naps. …

Mar 01, 2024

For many, it’s a late-winter hobby, but for the keepers in Northwest Trek Wildlife Park’s 435-acre Free-Roaming Area, it’s just another part of their job: shed hunting. The bull (male) elk are beginning to drop their antlers—a yearly occurrence that happens a few months after breeding season due to a decrease in testosterone. “We’ve already seen some impressively large antlers drop,” said assistant curator Dave. When a bull elk drops its antlers, they immediately begin growing a new set. “Antler grows faster than any other bone,” said Dave. “During the summer months, bull elk antlers can grow up to ¾ …

Feb 28, 2024

Being native to the Pacific Northwest, the animals at Northwest Trek don’t seem to mind the colder winter weather. But the snowy owls at the park don’t just put up with it, they thrive in it. Tundra, a male, and Taiga, a female, embrace these cooler temperatures and it shows. “They’re more active at this time of year and we notice a big increase in their food drive,” said keeper Miranda Mauck. “Their favorite food is mice!” In the wild, snowy owls live near beaches and fields in the winter in Alaska and Canada… brrr! Now you see me, now …

Feb 21, 2024

During Tacoma Public Schools January mini-term, students at the Science and Math Institute (SAMi), School of the Arts (SOTA), and Industrial Design Engineering and Art (IDEA) choose one class from a variety of exciting, hands-on courses to deep-dive into all month long. You’ll see students enthusiastic and eager to learn on any given day. Students in the “Jurassic Zoo and Aquarium” class studied the habitats at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and Northwest Trek Wildlife Park to re-create the famous Jurassic Park using current zoo and aquarium design criteria. “We encouraged the students to create their own more ethical, sustainable, …

Feb 12, 2024

Most people visit Northwest Trek Wildlife Park to see animals like grizzly bears, gray wolves, bald eagles, moose, and bison. But beyond the animals living at Northwest Trek under human care, guests will notice the “bonus” animals throughout the wildlife park: wild raccoons, squirrels, snakes, and many birds. “The forest and habitat surrounding Northwest Trek provide a wonderful home for a diversity of native species,” said the wildlife park’s conservation program coordinator, Rachael Mueller. “It’s one of the reasons Northwest Trek is a key place to band birds.” Northwest Trek and partner Puget Sound Bird Observatory (PSBO) hosted four bird …

Feb 12, 2024

February 29th is the hoppiest day of the year! Frogs, cats, goats, and more. We’re celebrating our leaping and jumping creatures this Leap Day. Cougar Cougars are powerful runners, leapers, and climbers. They can leap higher than any other mammal and have been recorded making a vertical jump of over 20 feet from a stationary position. Look for Carly, the cougar on the cat loop. BOBCATS Bobcats are also impressive jumpers. They can leap up to 10 feet high in the air. Look for bobcats Tanner and Tahoma on the cat loop. FROGS Some frogs can jump over 20 times their body …