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Benton's Paw Procedure

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Benton’s Paw Procedure
August 27, 2024

Benton the black bear is on the mend after an emergency procedure by our dedicated veterinary team and keepers in mid-August. Initially, keepers observed Benton walking on his tiptoes and favoring his front right paw. After closely monitoring him, Head Veterinarian Dr. Allison Case decided to sedate Benton for a thorough examination of his paws.

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Using a mobile X-ray machine and infrared thermal imaging, Dr. Case discovered a small fine gauge wire (about ½ inch) embedded in Benton’s front right foot pad, which was causing swelling. Fortunately, the wire was partially exposed, allowing Dr. Case to remove it successfully.

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024


To help keep Benton comfortable during his recovery, keepers provided a cozy bed of straw in his bedroom, his favorite fruits and vegetables, and even created a special “bobbing for peaches” pool just for him.

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024

Benton black bear paw procedure 2024