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Northwest Trek News
Sep 15, 2023

It’s true – bats have a bad rap. They’re best buddies with Dracula and have a cameo in “Macbeth.” They inspire spooky Halloween decorations. But then there’s Batman. And those of us who know bats – like here at Northwest Trek – know that they truly are the superheroes of the night: zipping effortlessly in the dark using echolocation or cutting-edge wing design, munching their own weight in mosquitoes every night or spreading fruit seeds, and pollinating the world’s plants as they go. Right off the bat, without batting an eyelid, we’re going to bat for these adorable furry creatures …

Sep 13, 2023

Some people think springtime is their favorite time to visit the wildlife park to see baby animals. To others, summer is the best time: grizzly bears splashing around in pools and icy treats for everyone. And to others, winter offers a chance to see how animals adapt to colder temperatures and grow extra layers of fur. But to many, autumn is the most magical time: A palette of bronze sweeps the hillsides—golden light streams through the trees. Dust rises from animals, rolling and sparring. And through the forest comes an eerie, haunting whistle – the sound of elk bugling.   …

Aug 25, 2023

At Northwest Trek, fall is a magical time. A palette of bronze sweeps the hillsides. Golden light streams through the trees. Dust rises from bison, rolling and sparring. And through the forest comes an eerie, haunting whistle – the sound of elk bugling. The rut – mating season – runs September-October. Out in the Free Roaming Area, male elk, bison and bighorn sheep vie for dominance and select their mates. The perfect way to experience this magic up close? An Elk Bugling Tour. This year, we get you off-road and up to the action in the keeper Jeep, with just …

Aug 24, 2023

Ever wonder what it takes to feed an entire wildlife park? The keepers at Northwest Trek feed nearly 200 animals a day. It takes a specific science to prepare proper diets for all the different animals. “Each animal has a balanced diet based on its species, age, and any health-related issues,” said Northwest Trek curator Marc Heinzman. For example, the grizzly bears each eat 30 pounds of food daily during the summer. Their diet consists of fish, fruits, and leafy greens as they prepare for winter 2023’s torpor season. “The bears need to put on extra weight leading up to …

Aug 14, 2023

It’s been one year since orphaned moose calves Atlas, Luna, and Callisto first arrived at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. And what an a-moose-ing year it’s been getting to know them and care for them! The moose, all born in spring 2022, were rescued after being orphaned in Alaska. They arrived at Northwest Trek a few months later in August. All three moose weighed under 200 pounds when they first arrived. Now, Atlas, the male calf, weighs over 734 pounds, and female calves Luna and Callisto weigh 664 pounds and 554 pounds. All three calves are nearly 5 feet tall at …

Jul 25, 2023

Northwest Trek is celebrating five years since grizzly bears Hawthorne and Huckleberry first arrived at the wildlife park. To o-fish-ally mark the occasion, our community is invited to join special keeper chats on August 5 and August 6 at 1:30 p.m., where the bears will get special enrichment items like fish frozen in icy treats. Born in the winter of 2018, our grizzly bears were orphaned in the wild: Hawthorne in Alaska and Huckleberry in Montana. Neither would have survived without their mom. Cared for by local zoos, they came to their new Northwest Trek home in August 2018. When the …

May 23, 2023

Our newest member of the Northwest Trek family is garter snake Matcha! Garter snakes are one of Washington’s most common snake species. They typically enjoy habitats such as meadows and forests that are near water. Matcha is adjusting well to her new home, which features small logs, a pool, and plenty of vegetation she can move around and hide in. While at Northwest Trek, she can eat a varied diet of insects, earthworms, mice, slugs and even small fish. Stop by and say hi to Matcha next time you visit the Cheney Discovery Center behind Kids’ Trek!

May 09, 2023

Did you know skunks are seen often in Washington state? If you haven’t spotted one yet, you’ll soon be able to see one at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park! Coming to us from Smithsonian’s National Zoo, Sundew is a male striped skunk. He’s a year old and adjusting well to his new home. Already showing us his playful personality, Sundew loves strawberries and carrots. But he’s been known to leave his veggies for last. After a short-term quarantine, our veterinary staff brought Sundew into the health clinic for his wellness exam. During his exam, Sundew had routine blood work done to …

Apr 06, 2023

Giving a health exam to the top feline predator in the Pacific Northwest takes a team of dedicated professionals – something our cougar Carly has here at Northwest Trek. Carly’s team has worked extensively with her for years to ensure exams run smoothly and safely. Carly’s predator status, size, and nature make getting to the exam room slightly different. Through training (and plenty of treats), Carly will now voluntarily take injections to initiate her sedation. She finds a comfortable resting place in her “bedroom” and lets the medicine take effect. Once it’s safe, the veterinary team led by Dr. Allison …

Mar 27, 2023

The signs of spring are here. Flowers are blooming. Trees are green, and the weather is warmer. At Northwest Trek Wildlife Park, we also have another sign to celebrate. Our black bears and grizzlies begin to emerge from torpor and let us know spring is indeed here! What is Torpor? We visited Keeper Haley to get the details. Torpor is a form of hibernation. True hibernation means an animal’s body shuts down and it goes dormant. An example is some species of frogs and bats; they have no activity in the winter. Torpor is a reduction in activity. It comes …