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Tag: free roaming area

Dec 14, 2023

Ride the Jeep to the elk rut action.
Members $110 / Non-Members: $125

Dec 05, 2023

Brrr! You can feel the chill in the air as the temperature drops. You’re likely pulling out your winter coats, if you haven’t already! Many of the animals at the wildlife park also have their winter coats ready and are well-prepared for the colder weather. Wolverines Wolverines are made for the cold- and our wolverines Rainier and Ahma are no exception. Wolverines are well-adapted for winter living, with extremely dense fur, large snowshoe-like paws that allow them to stay on top of deep snow and crampon-like claws that enable them to climb up and over steep cliffs and snow-covered peaks. …

Dec 04, 2023

Reindeer tend to steal the spotlight in December, but it’s their close relative, the caribou, that turns heads at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. But what exactly is the difference between the two (besides one being Santa’s favorite)? What’s the difference? Scientifically speaking, reindeer and caribou are the same genus and species – Rangifer tarandus. But they are different sub-species – tarandus (reindeer) and granti (caribou). What the animal is called can depend on their origin and domestication. The word reindeer refers to domesticated animals. Both reindeer and caribou can be found in Alaska but have different lifestyles. Reindeer were brought …

Nov 06, 2023

Northwest Trek Wildlife Park is now home to two female yearling American bison. The bison will soon join the wildlife park’s 12 other bison in the 435-acre Free-Roaming Area. “We expect them to fit right in with the herd,” said Marc Heinzman, the wildlife park’s curator. “They are at an age where they are usually more curious but less confident than an adult might be.” Before they join the others, the duo – named Cloudy and Frosty by keepers – are acclimating to their Northwest home behind the scenes. They recently received wellness exams from the park’s two veterinarians, veterinary …

Sep 13, 2023

Some people think springtime is their favorite time to visit the wildlife park to see baby animals. To others, summer is the best time: grizzly bears splashing around in pools and icy treats for everyone. And to others, winter offers a chance to see how animals adapt to colder temperatures and grow extra layers of fur. But to many, autumn is the most magical time: A palette of bronze sweeps the hillsides—golden light streams through the trees. Dust rises from animals, rolling and sparring. And through the forest comes an eerie, haunting whistle – the sound of elk bugling.   …

Aug 14, 2023

It’s been one year since orphaned moose calves Atlas, Luna, and Callisto first arrived at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. And what an a-moose-ing year it’s been getting to know them and care for them! The moose, all born in spring 2022, were rescued after being orphaned in Alaska. They arrived at Northwest Trek a few months later in August. All three moose weighed under 200 pounds when they first arrived. Now, Atlas, the male calf, weighs over 734 pounds, and female calves Luna and Callisto weigh 664 pounds and 554 pounds. All three calves are nearly 5 feet tall at …

Jan 26, 2023

Three orphaned moose calves, named Atlas, Luna, and Callisto, recently made their public debut at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. The moose, all born last spring, were rescued after being orphaned in Alaska. They arrived at Northwest Trek in August and have been living off-exhibit and adjusting to their new Eatonville home. “Our veterinarian and animal care team have built strong bonds with these calves, getting to know them as a group and as individuals,” Zoological Curator Marc Heinzman said. “These trusting relationships will help us continue to provide the best possible care for them as they grow up.” When the …

Aug 17, 2022

Northwest Trek Wildlife Park is now home to three Alaskan moose calves after they were orphaned in the wild earlier this summer. Keepers have named the almost 3-month-old calves Atlas, Luna, and Callisto (Cuh-list-o) after the moons of several planets. “We’re excited to welcome another generation of moose to Northwest Trek and provide a second chance and great home for these orphaned moose,” said zoological curator Marc Heinzman. “Once these calves grow into adulthood, they will be a thrilling sight for our guests.” Luna, an orphaned female calf, was rescued after wandering alone around the small town of Ninilchik, Alaska …

Aug 03, 2022

Nettle nestled herself along the steep hillside within Northwest Trek’s 435-acre Free-Roaming Area, as if she knew it was time for her annual exam. It’s an easy adventure for a one-year-old mountain goat – and not so simple for those who care for her. But Veterinarian Dr. Allison Case, Veterinary Technician Tracy and Keeper Deanna are used to doing what it takes to ensure the animals at Northwest Trek receive exceptional care. “It’s a very physical job,” Dr. Case said. After Keeper Deanna tries to entice Nettle off the hillside with some food, Dr. Case darts her with an anesthetic. …

Jun 17, 2022

It’s baby season at Northwest Trek Wildlife Park. Guests can try and spot three Roosevelt elk calves and six black-tailed deer fawns in the 435-acre Free-Roaming Area during a Wild Drive or Keeper Adventure Tour. Plus, an added bonus: wild goslings and ducklings occasionally making an appearance. “We expect even more births this spring and summer,” said Assistant Curator Dave Meadows. “It’s fun to watch the newborns as they grow, sticking very close to their mothers at first and later gaining the confidence to venture a bit farther away.” Roosevelt elk (named for President Theodore Roosevelt) are social, polygamous members …